Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Driving Like It's Stolen

Once upon a time Dowks had to listen to a lot of boys with guitars and British music that populated my ipod. He was too nice to cause a fuss about it. However, when I moved to SF, Weis was less then amused by my indie roots, and in order to keep his attention and expand his musical horizons past Jay-Z, I was forced to learn about hip-hop. Due to my minor Anglophile tendencies (really more of a hybrid of Anglo-Audiophileness), I gravitate towards music that utilizes dubstep more and more. Which is why Glitch Mob perfectly encapsulates the type of music I can listen to with the 'pack and enjoy all on my own. Sorry Howie Day. You have been replaced with music we can roll with.

If you dig the King Fantastic version- go check out more of his stuff here

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